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Case study 1

Glossary of terms: Eye evisceration : An operation whereby the iris is incised away allowing the eye-ball to drain and…

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Case study 3

Take home message: You don't have to put up with an uncomfortable prosthesis. Ensure that you a following a regular…

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Case study 4

Take home message: Some patients feel stronger for having overcome the obstacles in their life – including the loss of…

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Case study 5

Take home message: Loss of depth perception does not prevent you obtaining a taxi license, bus license or pilots license…

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Case study 7

Take home message: Sudden, brutal damage to an eye is devastating but you must believe things will get better. Scleral…

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Case study 8

Take home message: If your eye is scarred and blind, don't wait years before asking about scleral shells. Scleral shells…

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Case study 10

Take home message: Taking an impression of the eye socket is a daunting part of the procedure for little children,…

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