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Orbital prostheses

This gentleman has lost his right eye, eyelids, brow and forehead due to cancer. He is one of a small number of people in New Zealand who require an orbital prosthesis to restore their appearance.

Fabrication process
Prosthetic restoration of a defect following orbital exenteration begins with the fabrication of a prosthetic eye which becomes the centre-piece around which the rest of the orbital prosthesis is created.

A model of the patient’s face is made from an impression of the defect and when the ocular part is complete it is set into wax which is then carved and molded to fit the model and match the contours of companion eye and eyelids.

When the wax pattern is finished it is invested in a mold and reproduced in silicon rubber which has been carefully matched to the patient’s skin tones. Hair for the eyelashes and brow are then inserted into the silicon rubber.

Fixation of the prosthesis is achieved with adhesive as in the case above or with bone implants coupled with magnets inserted into the prosthesis.

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