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Prosthetic eyes

Prosthetic eyes are usually made and fitted about six weeks after surgery. The process involves four one-hour treatment sessions interspersed with laboratory processing, plus a follow up session one month later. The four treatment sessions are usually completed over the course of a single day to minimize patient inconvenience and travel costs. Patients are free to explore the local environs and drink lots of coffee between sessions.

1st session
At the first session, an impression is taken of the socket (see the short video below) and a plastic button is trimmed to the diameter of the iris. The iris colours are matched directly to the patient’s natural eye and applied to the button using finest grade oil paints and the smallest of sable hair brushes. When dry, a clear acrylic cornea is processed over the top of the painted iris and an iris/corneal button is produced.

2nd session
During the second session this iris/corneal button is imbedded into a wax pattern made from the impression and the whole is inserted into the eye socket. The wax is shaped and molded until the direction of gaze, the size and the lid
contour of the eye is established. After the session, a plaster mould is made and the wax is replaced with plastic ((Poly) methyl methacrylate. PMMA).

3rd session
The third session involves colouring the PMMA sclera with yellows, blues and grays and laying in fine veins teased from cotton thread. Once this is done a clear PMMA veneer is processed over the surface of the prosthesis and finished off with a high polish.

4th session
The completed prosthesis is fitted in the fourth session and instruction on wearing and looking after the prosthetic eye is given. If the socket or eye-lids are asymmetrical in some way the cosmetic result may often be improved with socket surgery.

Follow up appointment
A follow up appointment is made one month later when the prosthesis has settled in. Any final adjustments are carried out at this appointment and questions about the prosthesis are answered. Advice about maintaining the eye and socket is repeated.

Stages from iris/corneal unit to completed prosthesis

Work setting for scleral colouring

Ready for the final clear PMMA veneer

Final polish

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